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It’s that time again..Time to figure out what worked in 2008 and enhance it and figure out what didn’t — and change it.. That’s the mindset you have to adopt as you go into 2009. I know you’ve heard it before, but if you really want to see different results, you’re going to have to do different things. Sometimes, just the act of making one small change opens new doors and starts a whole new pattern of thinking.

I’m sure you’ve noticed some changes to this site. I’m in the process of updating it and working on a new layout and content that will hopefully provide you with the tools you need to start 2009 on a positive note. I know it’s been a tough year for many, but what you do right now will be critical to what happens next year. This holds true both personally and professionally.

I’ve decided to update this site over time rather than trying to get it perfect and unveil a brand new site overnight. Life usually doesn’t work that way. It’s a series of small consistent changes that most often leads you to something new and exciting. Start today. Go do that thing you’ve been putting off, who knows what exciting new things it will lead to..